Monday, June 7, 2010

Post Crit

From the Crit Ruwan gave me some things to improve on for the final hand in.

1.add thickness to my model eg walls, ceilings. (i knew i still had to do this as my sections werent very powerful)

2. add materials to my model. (i was expecting this, as i have moved on from concept stage, white renders wouldnt cut it, ill be adding wood primarily to the model. -perhaps coloured to stimulate the children)

3. Context - i need to show my model inside Stuart's library and then the greater area of the bridge and education precinct.

4. structure for my parasitic access's between stu's and mine. - i feared this as ive previously tried to add structure but its super hard to work in sketchup and i feel it distracts from my design intent. Ill have to work something out thou :)

the following image is of my physical model and stuarts. The two obviously dont fit correctly as mine is to 1:100 and the library is 1:200.

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