Monday, June 7, 2010

closing the kitchen up

Ruwan made a comment about the kitchen looking odd outside.
I believe that the kitchen is best outside of the main building and works well in space planning. As the children can use the kitchen as an interactive learning space and eat lunch then go play on the outdoor jungle gym area. Its all briefed as 'outdoor' time.

But in considering Ruwans comment i can see how as the kitchen stood, it looked very exposed and not well defined. I decided to counteract this by applying the hydrualic doors. So they open up for shealter just as the main doors to the kindy do.

this provides more shealter aswells as closure when the kitchen is not in use.

This is a very rough example of how the doors will open struggling to show it correctly with no align tool in sketch up- think i just need more patience thou.
its very rough.

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