Sunday, May 9, 2010

Parasitic Precinct- education + culture

The below image shows the education + culture precinct at concept stage. The configuration sits on the side of the story bridge with the DOJO reaching the water level.

The kindergarten slices right through Stu's Library..almost like an internal explosion within the library.

The next step for me is to re-configure my design to suit this parasitic situation.
I currently have a flat base which i want to 'dissolve' so that the crumple effect can be seen by people on the ground levels of the library.
I also want to create difference in levels and have a desire to latch my sleeping quatres on the outside of stu's library in the same sense of his 'moth'.

Im curious to see how stu closes the other half of his library as it currently is open..i know that my play area will open out onto a flat plane outside the library where Ruwan has also asked for 4 additional hexagons to allow for public/shared space.

Below is the precinct looking from the cliff:

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