Monday, March 26, 2012

Sustainable learning environments: Creating Sustainable Universities

University of Newcastle - Callaghan campus.

Yeoman Service "Soil is the Earth's Capital" - Sir Albert Howard 1943

Feathering the Edges - Ferns
Start at Macro and recognize patterns to help design

Architectural Studios- BVN - 500squarem - won sir john sulman? award
Economy and simplicity - Space to Drool Over

Buildings being the outside spaces and the areas between the buildings - role of buildings knitting the campus together.
Campus as old as St Lucia
Richard Kirk and Hassell - Advanced Engineering Building
Lit Space not a Dark space for a learning space
acoustics - want to be able to just talk without technology input

Complex program:
benign climate in brisbane - passive for half year
passive - 183 days
passive and task air - 110 days
passive and task and mech - remanding days

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