Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Floor Plan

Below is my resulting space planning from my crumple zone analysis:

Crumple Zone Floor Plan

Ive taken the profile of a crashed car to highlight the angles of "SAFETY"

From there iv taken the lines to create a base plan for my kindergartens floor plan.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Plasma Studio, London

I started exploring angles and how they can progress into differing spaces.
Plasma Studios had a few images which is exactly what i had in mind.
This project is a renovation on an existing site, and is described as being a parasite on the original building Coincidence?

Interior resultant of the exterior shape

Crumple Zone = Safety

From my last post i noticed how the 'explosion of space' i created was much like the crumple zone of a car.

This reminds me of how on my site visit my feeling of safety was reletive to my car and how a crumple zone is essentially a passive saftey zone within the stucture of a car.

Although the angles may look dangerous, i believe that when placed into the context of a kindergarten that the Children will be stimulated by the spontanous forces and ever changing environments yet find a degree of safety in the resulting encapsulating environment.

Curves vs, Straight Edges?

So far my exploration has been influenced by curves.
:Rudolf Steiner Education
:'organic' places for children
: curves of a car

BUT ive abandoned those ideas for a more adventurous form. I want the children to be challenged by the space physcially and mentally and believe it is through Obscure angles that children can question their environments.

i re-examined the spatial planning of the kindergarten to eliminate such a rigid programe and let the children choose the daily process

I then started to play with an 'explosive' space idea.

You may notice how th space is smooth at the entrance (Vehipole exemplar) and then creates an explosion.

Car Concept Exemplar

I was looking into the product Alucobond for materiality ideas and came across an exemplar which encapsulated my foli idea.

It's the new training cente "Vehipole", France

I like how the building can be read as a car through materiality but its not a literal representation of one.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Curvy Space-Steiner?

Development of internal spaces keeping Steiner and treehouse(natual) inmind.

Just more stacking and weaving of spaces:)


I attempted to utilize my Foli in the sense of stacking for security to give me guidence for my kindergarten. I began stacking the individual spaces ontop of each other almost like a tree house.

Ruwan suggested i look into Rudolf Steiner Education for inspiration
Its a schooling system where there are no right angles in the building.
There are many other aspects of the education, the thing i got most from it is that Children should be allowed to roam, have adventures, be unique, have choice

The following books were of interest on the subject:

Edmunds, F. (1987). Rudolf Steiner education : the Waldorf school (Rev. ed.). London: Rudolf Steiner Press.

Steiner, R. (1996). The education of the child and early lectures on education. Hudson, N.Y.: Anthroposophic Press.
From the spatial planning i started to arrange the spaces within the site context-Introverted spaces where tucked into the cliff.
I was investigating one central corriodor where children would exit for each different space.
Overall this process resulted in the kindergarten being very structured and ordered.- not particulary what i wanted.

After talking with Ruwan he suggested i take the context of the cliff away and design in a bubble.

The First task was to organise the spatial planning of the kindergarten.

I began by thinking of the process children go through at a kindy.

The diagram outlines the process.

Developing my Foli idea further i looked at spaces which provide a sense of introversion or extroversion based on the activity.

The Blue spaces indicate spaces which house the act of introverting or the condition of being introverted. It indicates the tendency to direct thoughts towards oneself.

On the other hand the yellow spaces indicate activities which are overtly expressive rather then inwardly reflective.