Saturday, August 27, 2011


Distributing services can be likend to the army or military services where when te army is unified it is strong but still maintains its strength through military distribution. There is always an action of coming together and seperating. Much like a bee hive:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rail Link Canberra to Australia

In our groups we disscussed making Canberra Distributed via Rail to the rest of Australia.
In my previous Design unit DAB710 I explored how movement can be captured in the built form. Below images explore this from the New Transit Yurikamome, an automated train which spans Tokyo Bay linking the man-made island of Odaiba to the city.

re-blogged from:

Presentation Skills!!!!


Carless Future?

Are cars integral to DISTRIBUTING services in the future? The following clip explores the city without cars: LA with no Cars

Distributing through Paint

I found the following clips and felt that they showed how people DISTRIBUTE paths of living through out their lives.

How can we transform these studies into the built environment?

I suggest that we let those paths dictate the way the city responds to humans, not how humans respond to the city.

Bruce Stadium

I find it comical that the ACT has Bruce Stadim as that is a VERY AUSTRALIAN name.

Bruce Stadium – look in to this.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Australian Resilence

Bushfire in 2003 came extremely close to the centre of Canberra and Parliament House.

Australian National Anthem Highlights – floods and rains etc indicating that our identity as a nation is one of resilience – Australian Resilience. The capital needs to reflect this.

Another idea is that Canberra may be an underwater city with rising sea levels and climate chanege as shown below:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Water Water!

Lake – Australians flock to water – socialize at beaches, river, fake beach in Brisbane.

Man made lake in Canberra - put there for a reason.

Take parliament agency to the water?

Time to activate the lake in Canberra. How?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Open House

The outcome of todays tutorial was disscussion on how to make Parliament a more Open House.

A Federation Square Set up for EVERYONE to gather and watch political decisions.

Same infrastructure around the nation can be implemented.A Survivor show idea to open up parliament to EVERYONE, the same format as Big Brother and other reality tv shows can be used.

Parliament – the peoples building eg bastile day in france

Monday, August 8, 2011

Griffin Legacy

The Griffin Legacy is the bases of current canberra and plans to continue the plan are still in place to make canberra a vibrant people place. But i Question if the Griffen legacy is not yet fullfilling Australia as a capital should we not abandon the plan and try a new approach100 years later? IS australia being controlled too much by the plan?

The plan makes people respond to the city but i ask should the city not respond to the peoples movements.

BUT i do not suggest we remove the current plan but work on it as our nations foundations and historical significance. Australia is such a young nation with little history. DO NOT THROW AWAY our history.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Canberra as the Capital?

Relevance of Sydney to parliament and capital identiy

Eg Sydney Harbour bridge – the coat hanger.

We fly politicians back and forth from Syd to Canberra – the prime minister has a home in Sydney.

International visitors travel Sydney then to Caneberra.

Has Canberra become redundant? Land Fill in?